Invited Speakers

Lisa Desmarais, MNAA

Lisa Desmarias has over 25 years of appraisal experience and is a leader in the industry. The Appraisal Foundation was thrilled to welcome her as the Vice President of Appraisal Issues in April 2020. Prior to joining the foundation in this capacity, Lisa served on both The Appraisal Foundation’s Appraisal Standards Board and Appraisal Practices Board. 

Prior to 2020, Lisa owned her own residential appraisal firm and was heavily involved in all facets of the appraisal profession. In addition to mentoring aspiring appraisers and teaching seminars, she published several papers and served as a peer reviewer for others in the profession. She was also a member of a number of appraisal task forces and research groups dating back to 2011 and served as an expert witness in numerous hearings and court cases.

In her free time, Lisa enjoys tennis and spending time with her family.